Delivering Quality of Life: Utah’s Transportation Vision

The pathway to quality of life in Utah is rooted in Utah’s Transportation Vision, a process through which partnering agencies collaborate to establish a shared vision for transportation statewide. This vision is based on recognition of Utah’s growth challenges, both current and forecasted, and the relationship between transportation and housing, air quality and the environment, land use, economic development, and access to opportunities for all.

Under direction from the governor, state legislative leaders, and local officials, the transportation community worked with its partners and stakeholders to define the statewide transportation vision as a Pathway to Quality of Life. This Quality of Life Framework includes four main areas–better mobility, good health, connected communities, and a strong economy–and provides guidance for transportation industry partners, public stakeholders, business communities, and policy makers at all levels. The Pathway also facilitates these partners’ ability to work together to answer Utah’s big transportation questions and to plan and invest for the future–all with the common goal to keep Utah moving while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life we all prize.

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