Creating a Safe, Family-Friendly
Bicycle Backbone Network

To the Honorable Governor Spencer Cox and members of the Utah State Legislature:

As you consider authorizing additional investments in Utah’s road and transit systems during this legislative session, the signatories of this letter — representing public, private, and community stakeholders across Utah — respectfully urge you to also invest in constructing high priority, regionally important “active transportation” (i.e., biking and walking) projects throughout the state, with the goal of completing a core backbone of safe and family-friendly active transportation facilities serving dozens of communities across Utah.

Utah is experiencing a “bike boom” during the COVID-19 pandemic, as evidenced by unprecedented sales and by bicycling trips increasing by over 50 percent throughout the State during 2020. This growth in active transportation has actually been building for many years. Utah is already known for its world-class recreational biking. Utah is poised now to make the leap to be a world-class place for biking as a means of transportation and commuting as well, to the benefit of residents and visitors alike. Building safe, family-friendly active transportation infrastructure draws people to it; a prime example is the 18-mile Murdock Canal Trail in Utah County, which runs through multiple communities and was ridden over 460,000 times in 2020.

Biking and walking are universally recognized for their benefits to individual and community health across all demographic groups. They improve air quality and decrease traffic congestion. They increase physical activity and decrease healthcare costs. They improve transportation choices in order to access social, educational, and job opportunities. And they bring recreational opportunities to the front door of Utah residents. But in order to bring these benefits to more people, Utah needs to invest to complete key connections and pieces of our active transportation systems.

Utah’s transportation agencies have worked together under the banner of Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan, along with many other stakeholders, to identify regionally important active transportation projects that are ready for investment, including those reflected on this map. Projects should be planned, prioritized, and managed through established processes to ensure the funds are utilized efficiently for maximum impact.

Being a world-class state for biking, for recreation and for transportation, will enhance Utah’s unparalleled quality of life, by providing safe, inexpensive, and healthy transportation choices to all of Utah’s residents. State funding, leveraged by additional public and private-sector funds, would allow a significant leap forward for Utah.

Thank you for your consideration and for all you do to make Utah the best state in the Union.
Respectfully yours,

Please take two minutes and click HERE to add your name in support of this effort. Thank you!


Companies / Organizations / Agencies

Tom Adams
Chief Operating Officer, Petzl
Derek Allen
President, LandForge
Denise Andersen
Mayor, City of Cedar Hills
Taylor Anderson
Editor, Building Salt Lake
Zach Anderson
Chair, Salt Lake City Bicycle Advisory Committee
Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals – Utah Chapter
Greg Bell
Chair, Get Healthy Utah
Ben Bolte
Founder & Executive Director, GREENbike
Kurt Bradburn
Mayor, Sandy City
Dirk Burton
Mayor, West Jordan City
Mike Caldwell
Mayor, Ogden City
Blair Camp
Mayor, Murray City Corp.
Carlton Christensen
Chair – Board of Trustees, Utah Transit Authority
Mike Christensen
Executive Director, Utah Rail Passengers Association
Nathan Christofferson
Sole Proprietor, Black Bean Media
Marc Coles-Ritchie
Board Chair (and ecologist), Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance
Cathryn Cordray
Director, Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Robert Dandoy
Mayor, Roy Utah
Cameron Diehl
Executive Director, Utah League of Cities and Towns
Rick Earnshaw
Mayor, Woods Cross City
Reid Ewing
Director of the Metropolitan Research Center, University of Utah
Michael Gailey
Mayor, Syracuse City
Jeff Gilbert
Transportation Planner, Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization
Brandy Grace
CEO, Utah Association of Counties
Andrew Gruber
Executive Director, Wasatch Front Regional Council
Robert Hale
Mayor, Midvale City
Jack Hedge
Executive Director, Utah Inland Port Authority
Bret Howser
Town Manager, Brian Head Town
Dave Iltis
Editor and Publisher, Cycling Utah
Leah Jaramillo
President, Somers-Jaramillo + Associates
Christy A Jensen
Owner/ Head Quilter, ECC Quilts
Will S Jones
Head of trail committee, Alpine trails
Elizabeth Joy, MD, MPH
Physician, Chair, UCAIR Board of Directors
Dan Fazzini Jr.
Executive Director, Ability and Choice Services
Darrin Larkin
Owner, L&L Mechanical Contractors
Ken Leetham
City Manager, City of North Salt Lake
Charles Leonhardt
President & CEO, Ogden-Weber Chamber of Commerce
Warren K Lloyd, AIA
President, Lloyd Architects
Mayor D Howard Madsen
Mayor, Sunset City
Terrence Marasco
Ty Markham
Owner/Proprietor, Torrey Schoolhouse B&B Inn
Robert A. McConnell
Commission Member/Chair, Morgan County
Erin Mendenhall
Mayor, Salt Lake City
Derek Miller
President and CEO, Salt Lake Chamber
Bill Morris
City Administrator, Marriott-Slaterville City
Brett Nielsen
Vice President of Operations, Whitaker Construction Company
Angie Osguthorpe
President/CEO, Davis Chamber of Commerce
Mark Ostlund
Owner, Electrify Bike Co.
Poison Spider Bicycles
Kim Pollock
Trustee, Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance
Joshua Poppel
Executive Director, Village Bicycle Project
Dawn Ramsey
Mayor, City of South Jordan
Shawn Seager
MAG Planning Director, MAG
Norm Searle
Mayor, Riverdale City
Mark Shepherd
Mayor, Clearfield City
Jeff Silvestrini
Chair, Wasatch Front Regional Council
Jeff Silvestrini
Mayor, Millcreek
Soren Simonsen
Executive Director, Jordan River Commission
Soren Simonsen
Founder, Owner & Executive Director, Impact Hub Salt Lake
Jo Sjoblom
Mayor, South Weber City
Colton Slauson
Co-Founder, Urly Made
Justin Smart
Partner / Chief Strategy Officer, Penna Powers
Spencer Smith
Owner, Rotam Bicycle Repair
Harris Sondak
Mayor, Town of Alta
Camilla Stark
Co-Director, The ARCH-HIVE
Bob J Stevenson
Davis County Commissioner, Davis County Government
Austin Taylor
Executive Director, BikeWalk Provo
The Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah
Stephanie Tomlin
Chair, Bike Utah
Blair Tomten
Chair, Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee
Utah Transportation Coalition
Troy K. Walker
Mayor, Draper City
Kirsten Whetstone, AICP
President, Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association
Jenny Wilson
Salt Lake County Mayor, Salt Lake County
Debbie Winn
Mayor, Tooele City
Katie Witt
Mayor, Kaysville City
Muriel Xochimitl
President & CEO, X-Factor Strategic Communications


Susan Abbott
Stacee Adams
Zack Adams
Father, Utah resident
Eric Albers
Kem C. Gardner Policy Insitute
Jacob Cannon Alder
Grant Allen
Neca Allgood
Paul Allred
Senior Planning Advisor, City of Holladay
Grant Amann
Shauna Archer
Registered Voter/Utah Citizen, United States
Gail Artrip
Cloe Ashton
Francisco Astorga
Vice President, Utah Chapter of the American Planning Association
Ali Avery
Marshall Baillie
Leslie Ann Baker
Darren Balls
Tauni Barker
Director, Government Affairs, City of West Jordan
Alexander Barton
Rebecca Bateman
Ryan Beck
Jon Beesley
Bicycle Enthusiast, Draper City Trail Ambassador
Ryne Belliston
Nathan Bench
Jenna Benson
Student, University of Utah
Jessica Berryman
Julie Bjornstad
Drake Bloebaum
Nate Blouin
Meagan Booth
Jeff Bousson
Laila Bremner
Bike/Walk Provo
Jacob Brooks
Ari Bruening
Beau Burbidge
Tish R. Buroker
Michael Bush
Rachel Butterfield
Angelo Calacino
Ginger Cannon
Casey Carrigan
Mechanic, Home Owner, Bicycle Commuter
Alicia Chen
Board Member, Bike Utah
Angela Choberka
Lindsey Christensen
David Christiansen
Cherish Clark
Zachary Clement
Student, Brigham Young University
Nathan Cline
Matthew Coles
Partner, Contact Business Communications
Thomas Cooke
Vice Chair, Snyderville Basin Planning Commission (Summit County)
Derrick Cox
Jacob Crockett
Rachelle Custer
Community Development Director, Tooele County
Brian Danner
Michelle Davis
Brandon Dayton
Kyle Deans
Realtor, Kyle Deans Real Estate with EXIT Realty Success
Clint DeMill
Rani Derasary
Andrew Dressel
Ashley Drzayich
Mack Drzayich
Jonathan Duncan
Member, Hobble Creek Bicycle Association
Lani Kai Eggertsen-Goff
Hans G Ehrbar
Geoffrey E. Ellis
Shannon Ellsworth, AICP
Brianne Emery
Chad Emmett
Emily Erekson
Travis Evans
Evelyn Everton
Deputy Mayor, Sandy City
Blaine Fackrell
Commissioner, Morgan County
Grant Farnsworth
Elizabeth Felix
Erik Fjeldsted
Natalie Flaten
Davis S Folland
Cecilia Foster
Student, Brigham Young University
Christine Frandsen
Craig Friant
Melissa Fryer
Lara Gale
Bear River Association of Govts
Luke Gangi-Wellman
Andrew Gardiner
Student, Brigham Young University
Bennion Gardner
Anthony Garrett
Fletcher Garrison
Janessa Garrow
Dustin Gettel
City Councilmember, Midvale City
Ricky Gettys
A. Paul Glauser
Brenda Goates
Jeff Goates
Natalie Gochnour
Heidi Goedhart
Active Transportation Manager, Utah Department of Transportation
Malinda Gonzalez
David Gonzalez
Jonathan Gracey
Sariah Graham
Matt Gray
City Planner
Martin Gregory
Dan Griffiths
Partner, Tanner LLC
Chris Groneman
Nancy Grossaint
Karen Guzman-Newton
Councilwoman, Moab City
Dale Hadley
Avid Cyclist
Jarod Hall
Heidi Hanson
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Laura Hanson
David Haralson
Brian Harris
Anders Hart
Student, University of Utah, College of Architecture and Planning
James Harvey
Commissioner, Weber County
Anna Hawkes
Keith Heaton
Cody D Heiner
Glenn Herzberg
Mariah Hill
Sarah Hodson
Executive Director, Get Healthy Utah
Debra D Hogan
Robert K Hogan
Beth Holbrook
Trustee, Utah Transit Authority
Aimee Horman
Education and Outreach Manager, Jordan River Commission
Kyle Horton
Transportation Engineering Student, Utah State University
Peggy Hostetter
Lucy Houser
Parker Howell
Andy Hulka
Bryan Hull
Sam Hull
Angela Isaacs
Kristen Iversen
Zach Jacob
City Council Chair, West Jordan City
Stephen James
Director of Planning and Community Design, Daybreak Communities
Don Jarvis
Jonathan Jensen
Rain Jeppson
Jory Johner
Long Range Planning Manager, Wasatch Front Regional Council
Eric Johnson
Gene Jones
Laynee Jones
Michael Jones
Civil Engineer II, Parametrix
Mikala Jordan
Emilie Jordao
Project Manager, Avenue Consultants
Kacey Kalian
Lorene Miner Kamalu
Davis County Commissioner, Davis County
Scott Kanter
Jordan Katcher
Jeremy King
Kayla Kinkead
Cori Klein
Roadway Engineer, Parametrix
Thomas Knights
Partnerships Manager, Strava Metro
Laura Knowlton
Brian Kolbe
Noel Koons
Jeannie Lambert
Carly Lansche
Regional Trail & Active Transportation Coordinator, Cache County
Ben LaRiviere
Dannielle Larkin
Ellie Larkin
Chamonix Larsen
Jon Larsen
Katie Larsen
Housing specialist, UCA
Preston Larson
Service Planner, Utah Transit Authority
Stuart Larson
Principal Consultant / Owner, Ferron Creek Consulting
Martha Lauritzen
Rachael Lauritzen
Vice Chair, Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance
Jeffrey Law
Rebecca Law
Tyler Lawson
Michael Leavitt
Crys Lee
Executive Director, Bike Utah
Melinda Lee
Secretary, Planning Commission, Hyde Park City
Ben Lehnardt
Josh LeMonte
Parker Lester
Zacharia Levine
Francis Xavier Lilly
Planning Director, Millcreek
Troy Lincoln
Samantha Linn
Ashley Lodmell
Toben Lowry
Michelle Ludema
Jeffrey Lunt
Cody Lutz
Seth MacDonald
Gregory Macfarlane
Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University
Roger T. Macfarlane
Mercedes Maestas
David Manzione
Maresa Manzione
Robin Marcus
Loretta Markham
Zoey Mauck
Peter McDonald
Rachel McIllece
Manager, ULI Utah
Lyle McMillan
Thomas McMurtry
Shauna Mecham
Jared Meek
Dana Meier
Area Manager, WSP USA
Daniel Mendoza
Professor, University of Utah
Jessica Merrill
Tourism Director, Davis County Tourism and Events
Katherine Meyr
Student, Weber State University
Mikhael Mikhalev
Board member, Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee
Tom Millar
John Miller
Mont Millerberg
Millerberg & Assoc
Ronda Mills
Logan Millsap
Mark Moehling
Clint Morris
City Councilman, Layton City
Chad Mullins
Rachel Myrer
Nikki Navio
Transportation Planner, Wasatch Front Regional Council
Daren Nelson
Taylor Nelson
Hal F Newman
Aimee Winder Newton
Councilmember, Salt Lake County
Michael Newton
Morgan County Commissioner, Morgan County
Olivia Niitsuma
Office Manager, Utah Clean Air Partnership-UCAIR
Adam Norris
Nick Norris
Kyle Norton
Brent Olson
Colin Olson
Ben Otte
Jeff Oyler
Davis County Planner, Davis County Government
Jeff Page
Alejandro Palomino
PhD Student, University of Utah
Sawyer Pangborn
Angelo Papastamos
Alex Parker
Keshav Patel
Graduate Student, University of Utah College of Science
Chris Paul
Emily Paxton
Seth Payne
Ethan Pedersen
Ian Peisner
Isa Perry
Helen Peters
Transportation Program Manager, Salt Lake County
R. Scott Phillips
City Council, Cedar City Corporation
Ken Phippen
City Council, Farr West City
Clark Pixton
Sarah Hatch Pollard, MSPH MEd
Melissa Porter
Rebecca Poulsen
BikeWalk Marketing Volunteer, BikeWalk Provo
James Price
Transportation Planner, MAG
Denise Purdue
Michele Randall
Carlee Reber
David Reed
John R Reed
Board of Directors, Bike Utah
Jeff Reinert
Kim Rhodes
Reid B Rhodes
Registered Nurse
Tanya Rice
Bruce Richins
Farr West City Council, Farr West City
Jennifer Richins
Alessandro Rigolon
Anna Robison
Home maker
Diane Rosenberg
Board Member, Bike Utah
Kimberly Rowland
Realtor, Wasatch House Hunters
Kathleen E Rugh
Stay at home mom, Home
Julianne Sabula
Jordan Savage
Max Schleicher
Instructor, University of Utah
Kamilla Schultz
Jeffrey D. Scott
Vice Chair, Wasatch Front Regional Council
Shayne Scott
City Manager, Kaysville City, Utah
John R Seamons
Council Member, Willard City
Emily Seang
Aaron Sebright
Matt Seipold
Planner, Avenue Consultants
Daniel Sellers
Scott Shea
Civil Engineer and Syracuse City citizen
Adam Sherman
Wade Sherman
VP, Deputy GC, Adobe, Inc.
Gabriel C Shields
Brandon Siracuse
Aaron Skabelund
Member, BikeWalk Provo
Grant Paul Skabelund
Heather Skabelund
Jacob Skog
Sean Slack
John Slippey
Operations Manager, Parametrix
Adam Smart
Tyler Smithson
Martin Sonntag
Maya Steel
Associate Professor, Utah State University
Peter Steele
Danielle Stevens
Jared Stewart
Economic Development Coordinator, Tooele City
Josh Stewart
Brandon Stocksdale
Gerald S Summerhays
Shanae Tate
Matthew J. Taylor, AICP, MPA
Richard Tenney
Neil Thompson
Tanner Thompson
David Tippetts
Lance Tyrrell
Urban Designer, IBI Group
Hugh Van Wagenen
Meg Van Wagenen
PTA President, Timpanogos Elementary
Mackenzie Viau
Sr. Operations Manager, Lime
Lauren Victor
Blake De Vries
Ryan de Vries
Phillip Waite
Associate Professor, Utah State University
Melissa Wallentine
Mary Walter
Megan Waters
Erik Watkins
Student, BYU
Alex Welton
Systems Admin,
Michael West
Gary Whatcott
City Manager, South Jordan City
Marcia White
Michael Austin Whitehead
Sylvia Wilcox
Kendall Wilkey
Student, BYU Law
Myron Willson
Corianne Wilson
Chris Wiltsie
1,000 Miles Program Director, Bike Utah
Mackenzie Wood
Sam Wood
Designer, BOTH Design
Lynn Woodbury
Senior VP Architecture/Construction, Woodbury Corporation
Andrea Young
Daniel Zappala

Signatories Last Updated: 5/14/2021 10:24 AM

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