Purpose of the Unified Transportation Plan
Utah is among the fastest growing states in the country. The way we grow and plan for the state’s future will determine the quality of life residents experience. Utah’s transportation agencies and local communities work together to ensure an excellent quality of life that includes good air quality, a vibrant economy, and affordable transportation choices for all Utahns.
Investing in major capital projects requires decades of planning and thoughtful consideration regarding how to pay for them. Preserving the existing transportation systems means ensuring roads, buses, rail lines, bicycle facilities, trails and sidewalks are properly maintained. This requires a coordinated statewide effort.
Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan is a collaborative effort between transportation agencies across the state of Utah including the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), Dixie Metropolitan Planning Organization, Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization and Utah Transit Authority (UTA). Utah’s Unified Plan partners work together to develop common goals, planning time horizons, performance measures and financial assumptions so that their plans are consistent across the state while meeting local needs. Then UDOT, UTA and the Metropolitan Planning Organizations all agree on which projects and needs to include in the Unified Plan, as well as timing, funding and how to measure their effectiveness in meeting shared objectives.