S-Line Streetcar

In December 2013, UTA opened the state’s first modern streetcar line. Called the S-Line, the streetcar runs along an historic rail corridor and its western terminus connects neighborhoods in South Salt Lake and Salt Lake City with the TRAX light rail system.  The eastern portion of the line provides a connection to the heart of Salt Lake City’s vibrant Sugar House neighborhood near 2100 South and Highland Drive.

The two-mile line features seven stops and was funded by a $26 million U.S. Department of Transportation grant from the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) II program. As typical for many streetcar systems, the S-Line operates at a top speed of 25 mph.

In addition to the streetcar, the line features a pedestrian and biking trail, which connects with the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and the Jordan River Parkway.

Streetcars are designed to move pedestrians while promoting development characterized by a mix of uses, walkability, and a revitalization of underutilized properties. The S-Line has spurred $2 billion in new investment in the corridor resulting in new residential, commercial and cultural development around the line in Sugar House and South Salt Lake.

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